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US and Chinese airmen with a captured Japanese L2D aircraft, China, circa mid- to late-1945

Caption     US and Chinese airmen with a captured Japanese L2D aircraft, China, circa mid- to late-1945 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseSan Diego Air and Space Museum, United States
Identification Code   01558
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Photo Size 590 x 457 pixels
Photos at Same Place China
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work is believed to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
30 Jun 2015 04:41:56 PM


The Showa/Nakajima L2D2 Tabby twin-engine transports were operated by the (IJNAF) Imperial Japanese Navy. Amazing how Douglas Aircraft
and the Japanese Government worked out a
licensing agreement to built the transport in Japan.
The US Government somewhere along the line, must have known about this deal in February 1938. What Douglas didn't know, was the one pulling the strings was the Imperial Japanese Navy. Let's face it the United States and Japan weren't buddies, but I guess like today money talks...


Twenty aircraft were bought and shipped to Japan
also the Imperial Navy paid $90,000 dollars to
Douglas for Showa and Nakajima to manufacture the aircraft and operated as a military transport.

There were Difference's between the L2D2 and the DC-3 in file photo the Tabby had three added windows all four crewmembers sat together.
Tabby was powered by 2 x Mitsubishi Kensei air cooled radial engines, a license copy of the American Pratt & Whitney R-1830. Showa built 416 aircraft and 71 built by Nakajima total of 487


The Douglas DC-3 was operated by Dai Nippon
Koku Kabushiki Kaisha (Japan Air Transport Ltd.
Greater Japan Airways Co. Ltd. 1940) During WWII the civilian aircraft were impressed into service with the Imperial Navy wherever the
Navy operated. Aircraft surrendered in Japan were later scrapped.


Some L2D2's were also armed with 1 x 13mm machine gun in a dorsal turret and 2 x 7.7mm flexible machine guns.


At the end of WWII the Japanese abandoned different types of aircraft throughout Southeast Asia among them were the Tabby transports. Surviving aircraft were taken over by the Nationalist Chinese, even the USAAF operated a few for a limited time and the National Aviation Airways Corp. (CNAC) operating in China.
Sources later reported that Communist forces operated the Tabby. The Tabby was also operated by the French with other ex-Japanese aircraft in Indochina.
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
16 May 2016 04:00:52 PM


Photograph shows a captured Showa L2D3 or a L2D3-L. Location Philippines, May 1945 pilots are CNAC Personnel. Aircraft captured Zamboanga airfield May 1945 it was repaired and later tested at Clark Field.
Most of the L2D transports were lost in action the survivors were abandoned and captured. No L2D transports exist today.

In 1946 the French used the L2D-2 and was
operated by French Group Transport 1/34 for operated in Indochina.

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